Innovation course materials for free download

I will be uploading many of my materials for professors who are interested in using Innovation for Value and Mission in a course.

Starting today, I am making the following documents available for free download:

  • Previews: Book front matter, Table of Contents, Forward, and Preface
  • Chapter 1, “An Introduction to Innovation.”
  • My current syllabus for the semester grad course, “Innovation & Public Policy,” which I am teaching at the McCourt School of Public Policy at Georgetown University. (I shall soon post sample syllabi for alternative course configurations based on the book, including one for business school use, and some for shorter courses.)
  • Course assignments: Lean Startup Memo, Technology Research Report, Team Project (more to come)

The Previews and Downloads can be found here. I only ask that you register for free membership of this website so that I may update you in future. No spam, I promise!